Shroff Residence, Vadodara: Featured in Top 50 Beautiful Homes in India

  • Typology Residential, Interior
  • Location Vadodara
  • Area 13,800 sq.ft
  • Year 2011

The couple Mr & Mrs Shroff are Vadodara's most envied and admired couple who devoted a lot of time in uplifting the lives of Gujarat's rural poplulation. The needs of each family member are completely divergent from a carpentry workshop to a chef kitchen. The complexity of diverging requirements and the manner to put them together was the main challenge. The plan was kept deceptively simple. And the idea was to use natural materials to create a warm inclusive home. The uniqueness of each wing had to be maintained while bringing out a feeling that it was a simple home. The interaction between the spaces inside and outside is extremely compelling and of great visual appeal.